
标签: 马里兰州发展障碍中心

Representatives of People On the Go Maryland’s (POG’s) statewide self-advocacy network were invited by the Archdiocese of Washington to speak to members of the District of Columbia's Hispanic community who have intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or are parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The two-day advocacy training, held on September 14 and 21, was hosted by the Hispanic Resource Center (HRC) in Prince George’s County, Maryland, which aims to develop a sense of belonging, inclusion and community for families who have immigrated to the U.S. and who have children with disabilities.


培训由Ken Capone,Pog的政策总监和TAMI Goldsmith,Pog的计划协调员提供,包括关于宣传的重要性的互动讲座,以及宣传技能建设的集团活动。第一天的主题,重点是赋予父母和家庭成员权力,是“我如何为我所爱的人提倡?”第二天的主题,它专注于赋予残疾人权力,是“我如何为自己提倡?”

