CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:培训,继续教育描述:这是一个实时交互式的网络研讨会。万博登录wanbotiyu.com已登记的参加者将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何参加研讨会。介绍:布莱恩·弗里德曼博士是成人转型中心的主任,也是特拉华大学神经发育障碍领导力教育(LEND)项目的联合主任,该项目为学生和专业人士提供培训。万博登录wanbotiyu.com他是肯尼迪克里格研究所(Kennedy Krieger Institute)自闭症及相关疾病中心的临床主任。狗万体育官方app下载\n\nCEUs/Category: 3.0 Cat. 1 CEUs\n\n课程描述:自闭症谱系的学生正在上大学的人数越来越多。不幸的是,学院和大学往往很难认识到自闭症学生带到校园的独特需求和独特故事。当我们了解到更多关于患有自闭症的大学生的需求以及那些最有效的支持时,我们就可以在大学社区中倡导和建立更好的干预措施。在这篇演讲中,我们将讨论大学生自闭症患者所描述的常见挑战,在高中和大学中越来越多的证据表明干预措施能够促进他们的成功,以及在新的环境中增强学生支持自己的方法。教学水平:中级学习目标:本次工作坊旨在帮助参与者:\n\n1。讨论患有自闭症和智力障碍的大学生所描述的常见挑战。\ n \ n2。 Discuss interventions that are showing increasing evidence in high sc hool and college that promote their success.\n\n3. Identify methods for em powering students to advocate for themselves in the college setting.\n\nTar get Populations:\n\nPsychologistsSocial workersCounselorsEducatorsFaith lea dersParents and caregiversNursesMedical and clinical staffSupport staffComm unity service providersSpeech/Physical/Occupational therapistsStudents/trai neesMaryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Insti tute is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners in Maryland to spo nsor social work continuing education programs and maintains full responsib ility for this program. Kennedy Krieger Institute is approved by the Americ an Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologi sts. Kennedy Krieger Institute maintains responsibility for this program an d its content. 3.0 Continuing Education Credits (Category 1) will be grante d to social workers and licensed psychologists. A certificate of attendance will be made available for all other disciplines. No conflicts have been i dentified (this includes commercial support and research grants/funding). T he registration fees include: $55 registration fee will be charged for prof essionals\, $15 registration for parents/caregivers/individuals with disabi lities\, and $10 for students/trainees workshop registrations.\n\nThere is no processing fee required for payment by check. Apply promo code "PAYBYCHE CK” at checkout. All checks must be received five business days prior to th e training.\n\nMake check payable to: Kennedy Krieger Institute (In note se ction write "MCDD SLS Training")\n\nMail check to: Maryland Center for Deve lopmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute\, Attn: MCDD Training P rogram\, 7000 Tudsbury Road\, Baltimore\, MD 21244\n \nKennedy Krieger Inst itute Employees: If your department will be covering the cost of the traini ng\, please enter your budget code when prompted. Enter promo code "KKISTAF F" at checkout. Your total will go to $0.00 so that payment can be received via interdepartmental budget transfer.\n\nCancellation Policy: Refund req uests must be received by e-mail seven bu siness days before the training. No refunds will be made thereafter.\n\nMar yland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute re serves the right to cancel any of its workshops due to unforeseen circumsta nces. In this event\, we will refund the registration fee only and not addi tional costs associated with attending the workshop. Should you have any qu estions\, call 443-923-5555. DTEND:20210722T161500Z DTSTAMP:20220108T063748Z DTSTART:20210722T130000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Diverse Pathways to Inclusion and Support for College Students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities\,2008:EventInstance_36299477263834 URL: isabilities END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR